Thursday, June 29, 2006


Although we are still in the rainy season, Summer is beginning to show itself. Summer in Japan means hazy skies and hot, muggy afternoons. But on the mountain (big hill) side that we live on, we still get a steady breaze, which has been very nice on this particular day. Christiana Kiara and I spent the morning washing my car and playing in the water, while Tomoko was away at Kasey Erika's school volunteering on a school outing. Then she came home and caught a nap herself with the little one while I set up the kiddie-pool. Kacey Erika got home just in time to join Christiana in the fun.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Christiana Kiara

"Kiara" is our little munchkin. She loves watching the Disney Channel, dressing up, drawing on the walls, playing outside with Kacey Erika, and hiding while eating things she shouldn't. A very normal three-year-old. These are just some of the pictures we've taken of her around the house and elsewhere. Enjoy!

Megan Anna starts Junior High

Megan started junior high this April. The school, in the same compound as Kasey's elementary school, is about 1 mile from our house(As our house is on a mountain(big hill), we can actually see part of it.). These pics are of her first day and entrance ceremony. One picture has her with Tomoko, who also graduated from the same junior high school. On a side note, Megan has joined the tennis team.


In Japan, Girls have a "shichi-go-san" celebration. "Shichi" means seven, "go" means five and "san" means 3. So, at ages 7,5 and 3, we celebrate the year in a special way. Japanese families usually dress the girls up in traditional Kimono and go to shrines or temples and pray for good luck for their child. This was considered important in the times when infant mortality was very high, appearantly. As we are Christians, we just dressed up and had Kasey Erika's picture taken. She really enjoyed this. She had to have her hair and makeup done by professionals, first (These pictures were taken by Tomoko and I, not the pros. If we get the real picture scanned, I will try to get it on here.


This is us last year at the World Expo, Japan in Aichi Prefecture. We are standing inside the USA pavillion. One of the hosts of the exibit is taking our picture while riding on a Segue. Very cool! I got to try it, too. Gotta get one.


Hello from Japan! We are the McLains and we live in the small farming community of Mayumi in Hitachiota City, Ibaraki-prefecture. In the picture from left to right and top to bottom, Megan Anna(13), Tomoko, Mike(me), Kasey Erika(7) and Christiana Kiara(3).