Although we are still in the rainy season, Summer is beginning to show itself. Summer in Japan means hazy skies and hot, muggy afternoons. But on the mountain (big hill) side that we live on, we still get a steady

breaze, which has been very nice on this particular day. Christiana Kiara and I spent the morning washing my car and playing in the water, while Tomoko was away at Kasey Erika's school volunteering on a school outing. Then she came home and caught a nap herself with the little one while I set up the kiddie-pool. Kacey Erika got home just in time to join Christiana in the fun.
Hey there McLains! Sashiburi, desu ne? Great to see the pics. The girls have grown so much. Things are good here, here being in Brazil right now. By the grace of God I´m healthy again and am trying to have some fun to make up for lost time. Love you guys very much! Give my love to everyone there!
Hi Mike,Tomoko and girls! Rick here. I'm so glad that you are bloggin now! You all look great!
I miss you guys. I hope that all is going well. Take care and God bless.
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