Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Busy Summer

I know we tend to say this every summer, but, this summer was very busy. We started out with LST camp the beginning of July, and then Tomoko led a VBS with Danielle Nusbaum. The the kids got out of school at the end of July. Our family went to Christian camp for three days, and Anna stayed an extra session(she met a guy). During camp, we went to the beach were I proceeded to get part of the cornea of my left eye sliced in a game of beach footbal(tackle). A few hours later, I had six neat stitches on my eyeball (didn't even know they could do that). I wore an eye patch for a day, but other than that, it was nowhere near as bad as it sounds. My vision wasn't affected in the least, but people sure looked at me funny. I got some really great reactions to,(with accent) "Look deeply into my eyes.....". It was like Frankenstein had marked me as one of his.

Anyway, how about some camping pics? These shots were taken a couple of hours from here in a mountain resort town called SHIOBARA, which means "white rose" if I'm not mistaken. We have camped or stayed here at least 5 different times, if not more. It is close to ski resorts and has great hot springs for the winter, and beautiful mountain streams ,forest and hot springs for summer fun. It also has a pool and other amenities that make it worth while. The campground is called Green Village, Shiobara, I think.

After camping with the family, we attended the ALL-CHRUCH-RETREAT the Churches of Christ have every year. Our church was not in charge this year, but Tomoko was asked to lead the children's classes and activities, and I was asked to be the song leader. It lasted three days( not to mention the weeks of prep for Tomoko), so we were very tired by the end.

Then, we went back to work after that two-week"vacation" and had our anual Back-to-School barbeque with our students and their families.

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