All three daugters contracted the mumps (two still have them), LST, LST camp, work and singing, this summer has been busy. There have been many bright spots, of course. The Lawrenson family, here with our LST Camp team, stayed in our house for about 10 days, give or take. Our two family's really hit it off and we will, Lord willing, see each other again(We miss you already! By the way, I'm not having any luck finding your blog.). These are various pics of the Lawrensons at our house, and at sushi.
Another bright spot, pun intended, was this sunset we witnessed tonight. I always tell my girls that beautiful sunsets are God's paintings, made especially for us. To not admire one is to ignore God's work. This one was especially beautiful. The progression was phenominal. It started out like this-
progressed into this-

May we all allow God to work us as an artist paints his canvass, continually achieving greater and greater levels of beauty.
I hope your day ended as well as ours did!
Hi McLain's!
This is Laura. Just found your blog. Fantastic house! And the girls are so gorgeous, too!! Nice to see things are going great!
Laura H...
P.S. I guess this didn't post my blog page. I meant for it to do that... So, here it is:
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